AM Series Ampoule Leak Sterilizer

This series is a kind of high-performance and high-intelligence equipment for sterilizing, leak detecting and cleaning, which adopts colorful touching screen and PLC, applicable to treating of ampoule, oral medicine, small infusion bottle, etc. After sterilization, by means of vacuum or vacuum plus water, the detecting rate of waster is assured to be 100%. Finally washing treatment is carried out with pure water to ensure surface of bottle and uncontaminated.

Product Description

Structure & Capability & Characteristics

– Vessels is designed to the China National Standard -GB150 (Steel Pressure Vessel)
– National patent door interlock device.
– National patent sealing technology – closed inflatable seal ring with compressed air.
– Control system is integrated by PLC + HMI, advanced function for recording, printing and storing.
– The GMP validation port is provided for insertion of 16 temperature sensors for validation.

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