CG Series Pure Steam Sterilizer

During the course of biotic pharmaceutics, there is a high requirement for asepsis and heat-free source, accordingly there is also an even higher requirement for sterilize.
It is design for use in pharmaceutical, biotechnological producing industries for sterilization and treatment of rubber stoppers, fabric and instruments. The structure of this series has double layers. During working, pure steam is full of the chamber, while the jacket uses industrial steam. It has two functions of vacuum exhaust and drying.

Product Description

Structure & Capability & Characteristics

-Filter in-line sterilization.
-Filter integrity testing.
-The GMP validation port is provided for insertion of 16 temperature sensors for validation.
-Pressure keeping inactive system and inactive container inactive system can be fixed according to the requirements of P III, PIV lab.
-The steam condenser is fitted in the exhaust/vacuum line to condense the steam before entering inside the vacuum pump.
-The built-in steam generator is optional.

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